Tuesday, January 29, 2019

How to Choose a Commercial Paper Shredder?

Commercial paper shredders are the largest ones available. They are the best choice for a large office or anywhere that has an ample paper flow. Since there are a lot of commercial paper shredders on the market, it is important to know what to look for before you purchase one. After all, you don't want to end up with a machine that is too small, breaks easily or is difficult to use. Before shopping for your commercial shredder be prepared to look for a few important features.

One of the most important features to look for on a commercial shredder is a heavy-duty motor. If you have a heavy paper flow, you will be using the shredder a lot. If the motor is not large or powerful enough then it will not be able to keep up with your needs. A commercial shredder that is equipped with a heavy-duty motor can be used around 150 to 200 times daily. The powerful motor should be able to handle your workload, not make you wait for the next day.

Another thing to look for in a commercial paper shredder is a quiet motor. Some commercial shredder run constantly. If the motor is not quiet, it will cause a disturbance in the office. The noise may get slightly louder when you are actually shredding paper, but it should still be fairly quiet.

Before purchasing a commercial shredder, make sure your look at the cutter blades. The blades should be made from top-quality materials. High-grade steel cutters are the best ones on the market. They will take a large workload without dulling and will last a long time. They will give you the most for your money. Aside from the materials used to make it, the type of cutters is important to look at. There are a couple different varieties of cutters used on commercial shredders. One of the ones you want to look for is a cross cut cutter. This machine will shred your paper into pieces that are approximately ½ inch wide and 2 inches long. Another style of cutter that is beneficial for your office needs is the micro cut. This machine shreds your paper into micro-sized pieces. This is the best choice for extra confidential material.

You should also look at the size of the waste basket before purchasing a commercial paper shredder. Since you will be shredding a lot of paper you want a large basket to reduce the frequency of emptying. The SimplyShred SG-526C 18 sheet Smart Jam Stop Commercial Micro Cut Paper Shredder is an excellent choice. Not only does it have a powerful and quiet motor, but the basket is 8.8 gallons, the perfect size for a large office. This machine can take 18 sheets of paper at a time, but can also shred CD/DVDs, credit cards, paper clips and staples.

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